Superintensive german course 24 units / week
This course is an upgrade to the regular course and contains 4 more hours a week in which we implement an active conversation and profundization of the spoken language, including phonetic and pronunciation exercises. The course is valid for the application of a Visum, in fact it contains 24 units a week which is more the 18 hours / week. Some embassies don’t accept the 20 unit-course (because 1 unit is 45 minutes) and ask directly for at least 24 units/week.
Courses Descripcion and schedules
All German courses are intensive and run daily from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 01:15 p.m. and on Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
If you don’t have any previous knowledge please look the following table Kursstart A1, if you do have previous knowledge please check your starting date.
You can start anytime. If it is necessary you can absolve a placement test.
Kursstart A1: | Kursstart A2: | Kursstart B1: | Kursstart B2: | Kursstart C1: |
07.02.2022 14.03.2022 25.04.2022 06.06.2022 (07.06.2022) 04.07.2022 08.08.2022 12.09.2022 17.10.2022 14.11.2022 |
21.02.2022 21.03.2022 02.05.2022 06.06.2022 18.07.2022 15.08.2022 19.09.2022 24.10.2022 |
28.02.2022 28.03.2022 25.04.2022 23.05.2022 27.06.2022 01.08.2022 12.09.2022 17.10.2022 14.11.2022 |
07.02.2022 14.03.2022 09.05.2022 06.06.2022 04.07.2022 01.08.2022 05.09.2022 10.10.2022 14.11.2022 |
07.02.2022 14.03.2022 25.04.2022 30.05.2022 18.07.2022 15.08.2022 12.09.2022 17.10.2022 21.11.2022 |
The biggest problem of the traditional language courses might probably be that the groups are mostly composed from students who don’t have the same motivation. This happens mainly because of two facts: many language schools tend to overfill the courses, due to the high costs of the courses, which are cofinanced by the Government. On the other side many language schools don’t give importance to the Placement Tests. Some participants (especially in the Integration Courses) are not motivated enough and this can disturb the correct progress of the Course.
Along the years we have been focussed on developing methods, in order to solve this problem, to form groups of students who are motivated to reach the goal of improving their knowledge of the german language. We finally have introduced the Quality-Control System. What is it?
At the beginning we pay considerable attention to the placement. At the end of every Level there are Zwischentests (intermediate tests)which give us an image of the progress of all the students. In order to attend the next level a student has to score at least 50% of the points. The school management is continously in contact with the teachers and helps them by evaluating their impressions concerning the students and the test results and administrating the group.
In addition the work at ISD is strongly target-oriented. Our interest and our biggest joy is that every course participant fully uses his capability in learning german, in order to reach a successful goal, no matter if this is to pass an exam or just improve the language for the work or the everyday life.
The school management requires from the teachers a very detailed documentation about the course progress, the results and the regularity of the participation, including for example in doing homework. This means that every effort of our work tends to one goal: to offer You the possibility to learn German by investing your money and your time the right way!
Structure of an intensive course REGULAR:
5 units Monday to Thursday (special rules for minigroups with less than 4 participants)
4 units on Friday
5 days a week
at least: 1 week
In line with the common framework of the language scale stated by the European Union, ISD sets up courses from the beginner up to the advanced level as follows:
A1a basic (2 weeks)
A1b basic + (2 weeks)
A1c basic ++ (2 weeks)
A2a pre-intermediate (2 weeks)
A2b pre-intermediate + (2 weeks)
A2c pre-intermediate ++ (2 weeks)
B1a intermediate (2 weeks)
B1b intermediate + (2 weeks)
B1c intermediate ++ (2 weeks)
B1d Intermediate +++ (2 weeks)
B1+: Repetion of Grammar B1 (1 week)
B2a upper-intermediate (2 weeks)
B2b upper-intermediate + (2 weeks)
B2c upper-intermediate ++ (2 weeks)
B2d upper-intermediate +++ (2 weeks)
B2+: Preparation of B2 exam (2 weeks)
C1a advanced (2 weeks)
C1b advanced + (2 weeks)
C1c advanced ++ (2 weeks)
C1d advanced +++ (2 weeks)
C1e advanced ++++ (2 weeks)
All the courses are didactically structured and planned to give the possibility to do in Addition to the internal Zwischentest the following telc-exams:
Start Deutsch 1 (telc Deutsch A1)
Start Deutsch 2 (telc Deutsch A1)
Zertifikat Deutsch (telc Deutsch B1)
telc Deutsch B2
Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf (telc Deutsch B2 Beruf)
telc Deutsch C1
telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
Test DaF